Furnishings that make a difference

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I have been dealing with Toronto real estate agents for many years now - as a real estate investor I buy homes and 'fix em up' and resell at a profit. One thing that I have learned from local agents is you can make a lot more money from selling a house if the furniture is attractive. And nothing looks better and makes a home warmer than antique style furnishings.

I don't spend a lot and get almost all of it from the local thrift shops but it makes such a huge difference on my bottom line that I am always on the look-out for nice antique looking furniture.

I have even rented my own storage space so I can store the furniture after the sale of a home...there has already been a few times when buyers have asked me to throw in a few furniture items to close a deal. What a great feeling that is!


New about Furniture

Suggestions for Furniture
